Council of New York Cooperatives & Condominiums
Current Articles
CNYC's Annual Housing Conference

We would like to thank all those who attended

Your participation helped make
this year's Conference

Click to view a list of all classes and descriptions


Learn! Share! Discover! Join board members who gather every November at this premier education event for housing cooperatives and condominiums. Here questions find answers, new concepts are explored and contacts are made! The 33rd Annual Conference includes 72 classes on virtually every aspect of operating cooperatives and condominiums in New York today, an Exhibit Hall and a reception at the end of the day where participants can unwind and hear from CNYC leaders about highlights of the year past.

In the course of this information-packed day, each registrant can attend three, or even four classes (if they select two shorter morning sessions) and visit the Exhibit Hall where vendors and City agencies have displays of Products and Services. The Exhibit Hall is open from 8 AM to 3 PM. Conference participants enter the Exhibit Hall at no additional charge beyond their Conference registration. Individuals wishing to visit the Exhibit Hall without attending classes can cut out the pass on the back cover of this publication. Additional passes can be purchased at the Conference for $5 each.

Page 17 has a chart with a detailed overview of the day, including the titles and times of all 72 classes. Every CNYC member cooperative and condominium can send one person to a full day of classes at no cost; additional member registrants attend at modest fees, particularly if you take advantage of the early registration discounts. Registrants must select the specific classes they wish to attend, and tickets will be sent to them for admission to those classes. Online registration is available on the CNYC website, where payment can be made by credit card.

There are classes for everyone: basic courses on board member roles, financial and legal responsibilities, and understanding and maintaining the physical plant; this enables newer board members to hone their skills and explore their responsibilities. For repeat participants, CNYC offers targeted classes on specific topics: Meeting the Mayor's Carbon Challenge, Limiting Smoking, Disaster Preparedness, Legislative Issues, Board Member Liability, adopting "Greener" practices, or evaluating board performance. Three classes are actually new each year, as they provide updates on essential aspects of running our buildings: Marc Luxemburg's Current Significant Legal Issues, Greg Carlson and Leon Geoxavier's New Codes and Rules in New York City and Jim Rheingrover and Eric Weiss's Property Tax Update.

A special series of classes has been developed by UHAB, the Urban Homesteading Assistance Board, creator and trainer of tens of thousands of units of affordable housing throughout the city. Four UHAB classes are offered this year, exploring various aspects of sales and admissions policy and Insurance issues.

Plan to arrive at the Conference well before your first class, to be sure to get your registration materials and to find your classrooms before the session starts. Enter the Newman Vertical Campus at 24th Street. Security will have your name on the list of registrants; bring your photo ID to facilitate entry. Proceed to the 14th floor. Coats can be checked as you get off the elevators. If you are pre-registered and have received your name badge, floor plans of the classrooms and workshop tickets, you can grab your Conference packet and badge holder from the CNYC staff members at the desk opposite the elevators. Late registrants should proceed instead to CNYC HEADQUARTERS in Room 14-280 (just beyond the Coat Check) to register and receive their Conference materials. Note that it is more costly to register at the door than to register in advance, that many classes may be filled to capacity and therefore no longer available on the day of the Conference, and that payment at the door must be made by check or cash.

CNYC members are encouraged to attend as a team, in order to cover all the sessions that are of interest. Modest rates apply to additional member registrants and to Professional Subscribers. The public is welcome, too, but their rates are higher. Tickets will be sent to registrant in the week prior to the Conference. Tickets will be held at the door for any registration received in the CNYC office after November 13th. Meticulous records ensure that passes can be written for anyone whose tickets are lost in the mail or forgotten at home.

The Conference Program contains diagrams of the 14th and 9th floors showing classroom locations, a list of workshops and their classrooms, speaker biographies and a Directory of Products and Services which will a useful reference source all year long. Signs above classroom doorways and at corridors to classrooms indicate classroom numbers.

Proceed down the corridor towards Room 14-220, which houses the Exhibit Hall. Some Conference participants arrive early in the morning to visit the exhibits before going into their first class. Others schedule a long break in the middle of the day to be sure of enough time to exhibit-hop. Those determined to attend as many workshops as they can, must race through the exhibits during the lunch break. Conference classes are conducted in classrooms on the 14th and the 9th floors of the Newman Vertical Campus. Tickets in shades of blue, purple and green are for classes on the 14th floor and those in shades of pink, red and yellow are for classes on the 9th floor. Printed on each ticket is the name of the class, the floor and room where it is located and the time frame for its presentation. Registrants are asked to write their names, addresses and e-mail contact on these tickets and to present them in their classrooms where they will be collected.

Complementary coffee and tea are available throughout the day outside the Exhibit Hall where snacks and box lunches can be purchased. At the end of the day, all participants are invited to gather in the Exhibit Hall for refreshments. There, CNYC leaders and guest celebrities will review some of the year's successes and challenges for cooperatives and condominiums. Winners of the door prizes offered by the vendors will be drawn at this Reception. Awards will go only to those who are present.

Everyone is welcome at CNYC's Conference, but, of course, members attend at preferential rates, including the ability to send up to two representatives at no cost. The brochure for CNYC's 33rd annual Housing Conference will soon be sent to each board member in your cooperative or condominium whose name is in CNYC's files.

If CNYC has not yet received membership dues for the year 2013, there will be a message on the cover that says that NONMEMBER RATES APPLY. If this is the case, you can still renew your cooperative or condominium's CNYC membership for the year 2013 by calling or writing CNYC for a reminder invoice or by registering online using the membership form available on the CNYC website at If your cooperative or condominium has made a conscious decision not to renew, you can still attend the Conference. The cost of participation is higher, but still an extremely good value. Be sure to register prior to October 17th to benefit from the lowest possible rate.

We look forward to seeing you at the 33rd Annual Housing Conference.


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