Published: Spring 2018
The contract concluded with Local 32BJ
of the Building Service Employees Union
on Friday, April 13, 2018 includes wage
increase for porters, concierges, door
persons and elevator operators of $23
dollars per week in the first year, $25 in
the second, $30 in the third and $32 in
the final year, when these workers will
earn solid middle class salaries of $55,
000. Increases for handy persons and
superintendents were slightly higher.
These increases commence on April
21st of each year of the contract.
There is a separate contract for
Resident Managers, (superintendents
in buildings employing six or more employees).
This contract expires on June
20th, but its terms were a part of this
negotiation. Effective January 1, 2019,
employers, in their absolute discretion
and revocable as they wish, will have the
ability to make additional contributions to
the 401K plans of their covered Superintendents
and Resident Managers.
Increases in benefits contributions
follow the Commercial Contract, with increases
taking effect in January of each
year. This contract calls for additional
contributions to the Pension Plan of $4
per week each year. There are no new
increases to the Training Fund or the Legal
Employer contributions to the Health
Plan of each year increased by $20.15
per week on January 1, 2018. They
will increase by $24.93 on January 1,
2019. These terns were negotiated in
the Commercial Contract. This contract
established caps on 2020 and 2021 employer
contributions to the Health Fund
and Pension Fund at $17.56 per week
and $18.31 per week respectively . Continued
suspension of the 'Maintenance
of Benefits Clause" means that employers'
responsibility to the benefits plans
cannot increase beyond these dollar
amounts. Full details can be found on
the website of the Realty Advisory Board
These contracts cover building service
employees in Brooklyn, Queens,
Manhattan and Staten Island that are
members of Local 32BJ. There is a separate
contract for Bronx buildings with
32BJ (formerly 32E) employees. It will
expire on March 15, 2109. A successor
contract will be negotiated by the Bronx
Realty Advisory Board (BRAB).
members and Professional
Subscribers have received the Comparative
Study of 2016 Operating Costs as
they renewed their affiliation with CNYC
for the calendar year 2018. CNYC is currently
preparing the Comparative Study of 2017 Operating Costs and seeks to
include as many financial statements as
possible in this Study. Participant anonymity
is protected by assigning a code
number to each cooperative and condominium
in the Study.
The Comparative Study provides a
framework for deciding how well one's
own cooperative or condominium is operating.
It analyzes operating costs in eight
categories: 1) East Side Cooperatives, 2)
West Side Cooperatives; 3) Small Manhattan
Cooperatives (with fewer than 100
rooms) 4) Small Brooklyn Cooperatives,
5) Larger Cooperatives Outside of Manhattan,
6) Condominiums in Manhattan,
7) Condominiums Outside of Manhattan
and 8) Lofts.
Except in the case of lofts, all data is
presented on a dollars-per-room-per-year
basis, beginning with the current assessment
and mortgage figures and carrying
charges. The Study then lists dollars-perroom
spent in 2016 on labor, heat, utilities,
repairs and maintenance, insurance,
management, administrative costs, water
& sewer fees, and (except for condominiums)
property taxes and debt service.
When financial statements separate the
amounts paid for elevator maintenance
and for attorneys' and accountants' fees,
those items are listed separately. Loft
data is presented on the bases of dollarsper-
250 square feet for easy comparison
with the per-room data in the other categories.
An introductory narrative explains
what is included in each column of the
Study and attempts to provide answers to
the questions that readers will ask.
Following the charts of individual data
for the year, the Study provides a ten year
recap of summary statistics, calculating
the averages and medians for each item
and the average portion of total operating
budget devoted to each one.
Any CNYC member cooperative or
condominium with data in the 2016 Study
receives notification of its code number
when the booklet is sent, so that they can
easily find their statistics. CNYC members
are welcome to copy pages of the Comparative
Study to share information among
board members and with shareholders or
unit owners. Additional copies can be purchased
from CNYC for $35.
This year, for the second time, Decision
Fish has created an interactive online
chart to facilitate comparing data in the
Comparative Study. With your building
code number for the Comparative Study,
you can scroll down the Comparative
Study tab at to bring up
a graphic display of your building's data
and learn whether if fall in the red, the yellow
or the green as compared to specific
other buildings that you can select, or as
compared to your category or to the Comparative
Study as a whole. If your data isn't
in the 2016 Study, you can enter codes for
buildings with similar numbers of rooms to
study them closely – and perhaps this will
encourage you to send CNYC your 2017
financials for the next Study.
New York City's water system is among
the largest in the world, delivering more
than one billion gallons of high quality
drinking water every day to more than
eight million people in the city and four
counties north of the city (see page 11).
The City's 14 wastewater treatment plants
treat roughly 1.2 billion gallons of wastewater
daily. All of this is administered by
the Water Board. Through the water rate,
the Water Board must raise sufficient
funds to service all the water needs of the
City. For two years, there has been no increase in water rates. For fiscal 2019,
the Water Board has proposed a 2.36%
increase. This brings water rates from
$3.81 to $3.90 for 100 cubic feet of water
used. Sewer rates are 159% of the water
rate, so they go from $6.06 to $6.20 for
100 cubic feet.
The Department of Finance continues
to work hard to make sure all NYC
cooperatives and condominiums annually
enter information on its online form,
where any changes in primary residency
must be recorded. Even in a year when
there are no changes, to stay in the abatement
program the appropriate box must
be checked on this form. Questions continue
to arise regarding primary residency,
which require patience and cooperation
by all concerned. Authorization for the
coop/condo abatement program sunsets
in June of 2019 (see page 6). CNYC and
the Action Committee for Reasonable
Real Estate Taxes will continue to work
hard to ensure that the program continues
or is replaced by one that is more equitable.
At CNYC's 38th annual Housing
Conference on Sunday, November 11,
2018, Stephanie Gross of the Department
of Finance will provide an Update on
Property Tax Abatements & Exemptions.
The SHIE (Senior Homeowner Increase
Exemption) and DHE (Disabled
Homeowner Exemption) are now available
to seniors and persons with disabilities
whose family income does not exceed
$55,399. Qualifying seniors aged
62 or older and qualifying disabled individuals
over the age of 18 will have their
carrying charges frozen as of the time
that they qualify. The Department of Finance
required annual financial updates
to keep this benefit in place. In a cooperative,
a property tax exemption is credited
against the property tax on the building.
The cooperative must credit this towards
the account of the qualifying senior or
disabled person.
CNYC thanks Ed Tristram for the following article. Mr. Tristram is president
of Ed Tristram Associates, a real estate consultant firm specializing in
paperwork related to capital improvements. In the last 25 years, the firm has
done thousands of filings related to capital improvements, all for clients who
own or manage apartment buildings.
There's a big new financial subsidy available for many cooperatives and
condominiums throughout New York State - the MCI Abatement.
What buildings qualify? Every cooperative and condominium in New
York State that has one or more rent stabilized and/or rent controlled
apartments is eligible for the MCI Abatement. When these buildings
make qualifying Major Capital Improvements ("MCI's"), the owners of
the building (in this case, the cooperative or condominium) can get up
to 11.1% of the total cost of the capital work rebated to them.
Why is the government giving all this money to co-ops and condos? Here's the story: when the Rent Stabilization Code was renewed
in 2015, all MCI rent increases were made smaller and in compensation
the new MCI Abatement was created. It goes to the building
owners - the co-op or condo itself, not to the owners of the regulated
apartments where the MCI rent increase is applied. This is because
it's the BUILDING OWNERS who paid for the capital work.
What needs to happen for us to get these funds? First there
must be an MCI rent increase for the stabilized/rent controlled tenants.
When the State DHCR orders a rent increase, they certify
the eligible cost of the MCI work. Of this figure, either 8.25% or
11.1% of this amount will be rebated to the building owner.
What kinds of capital work qualify? The rules for this are lengthy
and complex. In general, when spending $100,000 and up on capital
work it is a good idea to check to see if it's eligible for an MCI
Abatement. Applications can only be filed within 24 months after
the work is complete.
Will the full amount come in one year? Yes, all in one NYC fiscal
year, which runs July 1 to following June 30. For cooperatives it comes
as a credit on the property tax bill. For condominiums, each unit owner
can get a credit on their property tax bill. You will get this dollar reduction
in your tax bill the fiscal year after the rent increase is ordered.
Will this interfere with the co-op/condo tax property tax abatement
program? No. The NYC Department of Finance has categorically
stated that the MCI Abatement will interfere with no other
tax benefits.